What is this?
An informational book about the Blaine Soccer Club programming, values and direction.
Who gets it?
Every player and family who registers and attends BSC Tryouts this summer. Over 1,000 families.
To showcase the direction and playing opportunities in our club.
Each BSC team can sell up to two advertisements in the book.
That team will receive 50% of the collected money to be applied to their team account for season 2015/16.
How Much?
A full page ad is $1,000. Teams will receive $500. Approximately 1 free tournament.
A 1/2 page ad is $600. Teams will receive $300.
1/2 Page Vertical
4.75″ x 7.5″
1/2 Page Horizontal
7.25″ x 4.8125″
Full Page
8.25″ x 10.875″
+ .125″ bleed all sides; safety from trim: .5″
Ads must be submitted as a high-resolution, print-ready PDF (exported using the PDF/X-1a:2001 setting) or a high-resolution TIFF.
All images must be CMYK at 300 dpi. No spot colors, RGB, LAB, or INDEX color elements.
All fonts must be properly embedded or converted to outlines.
We cannot assume responsibility for digital ads supplied without a color proof. We recommend SWOP-certified proofs.
All ads should be completed and emailed to jaredrice@blainesoccer.org
BSC is a 501 (C) non-profit organization so any sponsorship is tax-deductible for companies.
BSC can provide a receipt and an invoice for your company.
Direct the company to this webpage and they can pay for the ad below.
And submit their Ad