A player development initiative launched in 2017, the BSC Juggling Club is open to all Blaine Soccer Club players, Recreational and Traveling alike, and is for players to showcase their soccer skills and improve their passion for the game. To have your score added to the list you must complete the score in front of a parent, coach, or – even better – video yourself and tag us on Instagram or Facebook! For more information about juggling, scroll to the bottom of the page. So grab your ball and give the BSC Juggling Club your best shot!
Juggling is the act of keeping the ball off the ground. For soccer players, this means using any part of your body (foot, thigh, chest, head, etc.) to maintain control of the ball in the air without using your hands! If you haven't juggled before, try the following: Hold the ball out in front of yourself. Now, drop the ball onto either your foot or thigh, and knock it back into your hands. Once you get a feel for this, try to do it two or three times in a row without using your hands!
Because juggling can significantly improve your game in many different ways! Your touch on the ball is vital to the game of soccer. If you can juggle the ball consistently, you are more likely to be consistent when receiving and distributing the ball in games. It's a great way for you to learn how the ball reacts to different touches and surfaces. Juggling can also improve your confidence on the ball – not to mention, it is fun!
The best part about juggling is that you can do it almost anywhere and all it takes is you and your ball! The most effective way to achieve your juggling goals is to practice on your own! Beating your score and challenging yourself are important keys to improving your game. Juggling a soccer ball with feet, thighs or head is an excellent activity for both beginners and advanced players alike.